It’s that time again! Freeze Pop Tuesdays start Tuesday, June 11th. Come to the Cliff Street lawn for freeze pops, yard games, and more! Every Tuesday through the summer from 2 pm to 4 pm.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Fun!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party
Kick off Lent with pancakes and song. All the regular and gluten-free pancakes you can eat. Please bring a pancake topping to share. After the supper, stay for an Alleluia Sing-A-Long, as we sing all the Alleluias we can before we put them away for the season of Lent. We will also bless and burn last year’s palm fronds in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
Pop-up Christmas Pageant – Sunday, December 30 at 10:30 am
On the First Sunday of Christmas, it is time for the one, the only, Trinity Lutheran Church Pop-Up Christmas Pageant. This is the Children’s Christmas Pageant you remember as a child, but without the long, boring rehearsal and you never have to age out of participating! There will be singing, costumes, laughter and more! Come a few minutes before worship to choose a part, pick up a script and a costume, and join in the fun. There will be parts of all sizes, from starring roles to, well, stars. Want to just sit and watch? There’s a part for you too! The Heavenly Host help sing all the songs. The Christmas pageant is a great event to bring friends or family. Our neighbors from St. Peter Lutheran will also be joining us this year, adding to the fun.