We are church together
Trinity thrives on the generosity of our members, partner congregations, and friends. Your financial support helps us reflect God’s freeing power to our neighbors in Post Addition and the Battle Creek community.
There are several ways you can contribute financially to Trinity. We invite you to prayerfully consider where you’d like to give. Unspecified offerings automatically go to Trinity Lutheran Church. Giving a financial gift to Trinity is easy to do; here are a few ways you can consider contributing:
In person You can give financial gifts by cash or check to Trinity by dropping them off to the office or by dropping an offering into the basket at church!
By mail You can support Trinity by sending a check through the mail. Checks can be made out to Trinity Lutheran Church and sent to 2055 E Columbia Ave., Battle Creek, MI 49014.
Online You can make a one-time donation or schedule a recurring gift online. Giving an online-recurring gift is a great way to tithe or give regularly without having to worry about writing a monthly or yearly check. Giving online is easy and secure.