When: Sunday, December 3, following our church service.
What: Bring your favorite holiday cookies to share with others. Take home a box of goodies!
Why: Everyone always enjoys a yummy treat and fellowship!
Trinity Lutheran Church Battle Creek
Trinity Lutheran Church. 2055 Columbia Ave E, Battle Creek, MI 49014. (269) 963-5356.
by Connie
Mark your calendar for the annual week of joyful chaos that is the Trinity / St. Peter / Woman’s Co-op Family Camp. The theme for this year is God’s New Creation. We will be traveling around the world meeting new barnyard friends and learning about how we are all working together to bring God’s creation to earth. Family Camp is intergenerational, which means it is for kids from nine months to ninety-nine years (or more). Every day includes games, songs, crafts, and worship. We start every day with puppets and end each evening with dinner. Call Trinity for more information or to register. 269-963-5356.
Maundy Thursday
April 6 @ Trinity
6:30 pm Dinner and Eucharist
This is the night we remember Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, his betrayal in the garden, and the beginning of his journey to the cross. Our worship will include a simple meal of soup and bread. Come enter into this our most sacred story.
Good Friday
April 7 @ St. Peter
7 pm
A service of prayer, song, and reflection. The service includes a telling of the Passion Story According to John.
Easter Sunday
April 9 @ Trinity
Worship at 10:30 am
Christ in Risen, Indeed! Come celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
The April Trumpet is live and ready for your reading enjoyment
We believe God created all of humanity in God’s image. Since every person is made in the image of God, every person is part of God’s family. Whatever your gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, income, mental or physical ability, age, religious background, nationality, or political ideology, you are welcome here. Diversity of skills, gifts, talents, opinions, and experiences are what strengthen the body of Christ. “For all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28b). Read More >>
Join us Sundays at 10:30 am. We are also on Facebook Live. Tune in at:
Wednesday, February 26th @ 12pm
2055 East Columbia Avenue
Battle Creek
MI 49014
Phone: 269-963-5356
Email: [email protected]