After four years, Trinity Caroling at The Oaks and the Legacy is returning!!! We plan to gather in the lobby of The Oaks on Friday, December 15, around 4:45 and begin singing around 5. We will then move to The Legacy to continue singing there. Afterwards, a gathering is planned at the Eversons (226 Pennbrook Trail) to enjoy some fellowship with our Trinity family. Eversons will provide the sloppy joes, snacks and dessert (Connie’s rum balls, Rice Krispie Treat trees and Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Oreo Pie are all rumored to be on the dessert menu.) It’s always a fun filled evening – folks are still smiling on Sunday – and we’d love to have you join us at 4:45 on the 15th!! At work until 5? No problem, join us at the Eversons as soon as you can get there!