On Thursday, January 18, Road Runners will meet for their monthly meal at Panera Bread on Capital & Beckley at 11:30. Start the New Year off by joining the group for an always enjoyable lunch!!
Trinity Lutheran Church Battle Creek
Trinity Lutheran Church. 2055 Columbia Ave E, Battle Creek, MI 49014. (269) 963-5356.
by Connie
On Thursday, January 18, Road Runners will meet for their monthly meal at Panera Bread on Capital & Beckley at 11:30. Start the New Year off by joining the group for an always enjoyable lunch!!
by Connie
by Connie
After four years, Trinity Caroling at The Oaks and the Legacy is returning!!! We plan to gather in the lobby of The Oaks on Friday, December 15, around 4:45 and begin singing around 5. We will then move to The Legacy to continue singing there. Afterwards, a gathering is planned at the Eversons (226 Pennbrook Trail) to enjoy some fellowship with our Trinity family. Eversons will provide the sloppy joes, snacks and dessert (Connie’s rum balls, Rice Krispie Treat trees and Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Oreo Pie are all rumored to be on the dessert menu.) It’s always a fun filled evening – folks are still smiling on Sunday – and we’d love to have you join us at 4:45 on the 15th!! At work until 5? No problem, join us at the Eversons as soon as you can get there!
by Connie
A Congregational Meeting is scheduled for immediately after the service on Sunday, December 10, for the purpose of adopting the 2024 Budget. A copy of the budget was provided for you to study and prepare any questions in the November Trumpet. Copies will also be available at the meeting. Bob Kamphuis, a community organizer that’s been helping us develop our plans to become a community center, will be present at the meeting to answer questions and help point us towards the next steps. Please review your copy of the proposed bylaws and the excellent discussions from our September 17 congregational meeting.
by Connie
We believe God created all of humanity in God’s image. Since every person is made in the image of God, every person is part of God’s family. Whatever your gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, income, mental or physical ability, age, religious background, nationality, or political ideology, you are welcome here. Diversity of skills, gifts, talents, opinions, and experiences are what strengthen the body of Christ. “For all of you are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28b). Read More >>
Join us Sundays at 10:30 am. We are also on Facebook Live. Tune in at:
Wednesday, February 26th @ 12pm
2055 East Columbia Avenue
Battle Creek
MI 49014
Phone: 269-963-5356
Email: [email protected]